
Qualcomm Q2 earnings today at 4pm

Options360 Updated   
Qualcomm Q2 earnings are today 4/28 at 4pm. Qualcomm (QCOM) reported Q1 December 2020 earnings of $2.18 per share on revenue of $8.2B. The consensus earnings estimate was $2.08 per share on revenue of $8.3B. Revenue grew 62.2% on a year-over-year basis. The company said it expects second quarter non-GAAP earnings of $1.55 to $1.75 per share on revenue of $7.2B to $8.2B.

Q2 March 2021 Consensus:
EPS = $1.67
Revenue = $7.62 B
P/E = 23.75

R3 = $144.05
R2 = $141.53
R1 = $139.02
pivot = $136.08
S1 = $133.35
S2 = $130.42
S3 = $127.90

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Qualcomm Beats. QCOM reported Q2 earnings of $1.90 per share. The company said it expects third quarter non-GAAP earnings of $1.55 to $1.75 per share on revenue of $7.10 billion to $7.90 billion.
5/21 expiry strangle


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