After a huge run up, even compared to the post 2000 bear, this market is going to fall deeeeeep.
Now, I have to say that I'm not exactly trading it like this - but I'm picking off pull back and going short in small peices. I'll cash out and buy part of Florida when I'm done, then make it part of Canada. But I'll make the purchase after the next hurricane wipes it out. Because I'm cheap and like to buy stuff on sale, like the SPY for the short on pullbacks!!!
If you like to short, bitcoin was your go-to - take a look at my earlier idea telling you that its a peice of crap and nobody cares any more, at least the people with money. Bye bye bitcoin.
Maybe the rich are still short bitcoin?
Back to the SPY. I know you see the reverse head and shoulders - so does eveyone else. The pattern will turn out to be something else when we look back in a year, thats the way this game works, although its not a game. Its real money. Over and out. Mic drop. (to dramatic?)