Windham Hotels & Resorts - 10:1 Long, Speculative News Response

My analysis of Windham Hotels & Resorts follows news of NYC's recent ban of AirBNB, a development which inspired me to discover which publicly traded hotel chain might be best positioned to benefit. Hopefully you will challenge my conclusion and/or my measurements with your tough questions, since this venue is meant to arouse the reverse-engineers and to provoke the thinkers to do what they do best, right?

As always, I strive to render these ideas of mine so obviously that their explanation will require no words, but this 10:1 Long trade on the WH chart is highly contextual. Not even a Market Maker can move the price of ABNB as reliably as the State of New York.

Although my trading strategy is built on innate Pattern Recognition and a hard-won sympathy for the Market Maker’s Business Model, my tactics - including the beauty of Tradingview and how it makes me look good - are based on identifying the opportunities within VOLUME, VOLATILITY and TREND EXHAUSTION.

Generally speaking, what a Speculator does that an Investor or a Trader does not is specifically to take advantage of price inefficiencies caused by government interference (or corruption). A good example would be accumulating toilet paper and/or N95 Masks in 2020 and selling the stock in bulk at high markup before the window of opportunity finally closed.

Only a Speculator does that!

The details of the chart(s) speak for themselves, however behind the scenes ChatGPT and I determined that MAR, HLT, IHG, AC and WH were the hotel chains with the greatest number of rooms in NYC that might benefit from the AirBNB news. I was surprised to see that both MAR and HLT are at or near All-Time-Highs, but just as quickly ruled them out as candidates for major growth for exactly that reason.

In short, without ChatGPT concluded that WH is the best candidate to benefit from what might become a growing trend, but is already law in NYC and will therefore have an effect on prices and practices. If this case interests you, then I invite you to compare the listed tickers and let me know if you agree about WH.

Keen observers will see many details in this idea, but how many noticed the ABNB correlation coefficient histograph? If my trade thesis is correct, the polarity should invert, and the tickers will move in opposite directions more often, and for longer.

I am preparing a video on prospecting for opportunities during the current Sector Rotation, and Windam Hotels & Resorts might become part of it. First, though, I have a few more ideas to upload as I update other key charts for the final Quarter of 2023.

Until then, be liquid !!!
