Gann Box

Trading Ideas 996
Educational Ideas 17

Predictions and analysis

Gann Box

WD Gann used innovative geometrical and numerical relationships to create several technical analysis tools to help analyze the market. The Gann Box is one such powerful tool which can be used to measure and detect recurring price cycles. The user can set the time and the price range for a cycle which is expected to repeat. In this sense the Gann Box is like a road map for the market which can be used to look for targets. Please note that the chart needs to be scaled properly to ensure the market has a square relationship. The box divides price and time into equal partitions, called price and time levels, and is drawn from a major pivot (either low or high).

The exact price and time levels can be set by users in accordance to their strategy. The Gann Box can be applied across various markets to forecast key price and time levels and can be used with or without angles. TradingView has a smart tool that allows users to draw the Gann Box on a chart. It can be used by itself or in combination with other tools and technical analysis techniques to find the best trades.
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