Indian companies operating in the same food: specialty/candy industry

The list below has Indian companies that operate under the same industry, food: specialty/candy. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as TASTY BITE EATABLE or those with the best price dynamics like ADF FOODS LTD, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
BRITANNIABRITANNIA INDS1.26 T INR5070.10 INR−3.03%379.667 K0.5757.0788.84 INR−7.83%2.46%Consumer Non-Durables
TATACONSUMTATA CONSUMER PRODUCT LTD1.062 T INR1085.05 INR−2.69%1.744 M0.5588.0012.33 INR−5.23%0.76%Consumer Non-Durables
BIKAJIBIKAJI FOODS INTERN LTD130.725 B INR511.35 INR−2.15%115.894 K0.7568.267.49 INR0.14%Consumer Non-Durables
Strong buy
CCLCCL PRODUCTS(IND)77.293 B INR576.85 INR−0.45%73.398 K0.5828.4220.30 INR+14.29%0.86%Consumer Non-Durables
BECTORFOODMRS BECTORS FOOD SPE LTD73.475 B INR1209.45 INR−3.18%72.039 K0.3052.9322.85 INR+85.06%0.24%Consumer Non-Durables
Strong buy
GAELGUJARAT AMBUJA EXP72.195 B INR149.30 INR−5.03%943.01 K2.0321.147.06 INR−21.74%0.22%Consumer Non-Durables
HNDFDSHINDUSTAN FOODS LTD57.642 B INR495.00 INR−1.52%18.88 K0.3561.808.01 INR+43.00%0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
Strong buy
ADVENZYMESADVANCED ENZYME TE43.908 B INR382.65 INR−2.70%112.948 K0.8531.2112.26 INR+40.06%1.27%Consumer Non-Durables
GGOPALGOPAL SNACKS LTD42.683 B INR344.75 INR+0.73%246.728 K0.730.00%Consumer Non-Durables
VADILALINDVADILAL INDUSTRIES34.969 B INR4649.05 INR−4.32%11.598 K0.4122.72204.63 INR+64.89%0.03%Consumer Non-Durables
MANORAMAMANORAMA INDUSTRIES LTD34.153 B INR562.45 INR−1.75%22.372 K0.3089.156.31 INR+41.46%0.07%Consumer Non-Durables
TASTYBITETASTY BITE EATABLE29.744 B INR11128.15 INR−3.57%9020.3859.37187.44 INR+86.86%0.02%Consumer Non-Durables
ADFFOODSADF FOODS LTD23.566 B INR234.20 INR+9.13%1.76 M6.6639.135.99 INR+25.60%0.47%Consumer Non-Durables
VIDHIINGVIDHI SPECIALTY FO23.162 B INR454.40 INR−2.03%26.332 K0.4265.336.96 INR−18.65%0.30%Consumer Non-Durables
YASHOYASHO INDUSTRIES LTD21.889 B INR1900.40 INR−1.02%15.578 K1.0338.9148.84 INR−15.00%0.03%Consumer Non-Durables
DIAMONDYDPRATAAP SNACKS LTD21.183 B INR884.05 INR−0.50%19.452 K1.3933.5326.37 INR0.11%Consumer Non-Durables
AVTNPLAVT NATURAL PROD14.057 B INR88.75 INR−4.00%303.407 K0.3421.714.09 INR−21.31%0.97%Consumer Non-Durables
GULPOLYGULSHAN POLYOLS LTD12.711 B INR195.95 INR−3.92%195.721 K0.7646.234.24 INR−38.22%0.25%Consumer Non-Durables
Strong buy
FOODSINFOODS & INNS LTD8.432 B INR144.00 INR−3.36%308.81 K0.7618.857.64 INR+14.60%0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
SUKHJITSSUKHJIT STARCH & CHEM LTD7.239 B INR452.20 INR−1.80%6.074 K0.4413.3633.85 INR−28.66%1.73%Consumer Non-Durables
SSFLSRIVARI SPICES5.164 B INR350.95 INR−4.85%56 K2.050.00%Consumer Non-Durables
MAWANASUGMAWANA SUGARS LTD3.701 B INR91.30 INR−4.00%40.559 K0.488.3610.92 INR3.17%Consumer Non-Durables
GOYALSALTGOYAL SALT LTD3.662 B INR202.00 INR−1.25%9.6 K0.1232.866.15 INR0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
DANGEEDANGEE DUMS LTD3.472 B INR8.55 INR−2.84%192.116 K0.25−0.04 INR−130.63%0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
EIFFLEURO (I) FRESH FOODS LTD3.317 B INR133.25 INR−0.37%22.519 K1.18126.141.06 INR+190.38%0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
DYNPRODYNEMIC PRODUCTS L3.268 B INR267.15 INR−1.51%15.349 K0.6288.833.01 INR0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
MCLEODRUSSMCLEOD RUSSEL INDI2.564 B INR24.10 INR−2.03%74.174 K0.81−112.15 INR−584.42%0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
UNITEDTEAUNITED NILGIRI TEA1.68 B INR328.55 INR−2.28%1.494 K0.3910.3831.67 INR+61.38%0.80%Consumer Non-Durables
PALASHSECUPALASH SECURITIES1.315 B INR130.45 INR−1.29%9.585 K0.40−11.86 INR−10.44%0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
SHEETAL.STSHEETAL UNIVERSAL LTD811.658 M INR65.20 INR+1.64%4 K0.290.00%Consumer Non-Durables
NGILNAKODA GROUP OF IND. LTD678.25 M INR51.85 INR−2.99%291.635 K0.66−0.64 INR−181.63%0.28%Consumer Non-Durables
TAPIFRUITTAPI FRUIT PROCESS596.239 M INR148.95 INR+4.16%2.25 K0.70225.270.66 INR0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
NORBTEAEXPNORBEN TEA & EXPOR142.762 M INR12.15 INR−3.19%1.178 K0.16−0.97 INR−48605.00%0.00%Consumer Non-Durables
AANNAPURNAANNAPURNA SWADISHT350.50 INR+0.79%22 K0.60Consumer Non-Durables