Commercial Services

South African companies engaged in commercial services sector

These South African companies operate in the same sector, commercial services. They're equipped with price, change, and other stats to help you get the most details. The list contains stocks for any strategy: giants with large caps like ADVTECH LTD, top gainers like E MEDIA HOLDINGS LTD -N-, and more. Filter the list and check companies' performance in a convenient way.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
ADHADVTECH LTD14.937 B ZAR2726 ZAC−0.91%151.654 K0.1915.751.73 ZAR+43.02%3.19%
SDOSTADIO HOLDINGS LIMITED3.941 B ZAR464 ZAC−3.13%176.91 K0.7119.220.24 ZAR+66.25%2.15%
KALKAL GROUP LIMITED3.072 B ZAR4360 ZAC−0.05%61.07 K2.347.266.00 ZAR+32.86%4.13%
TCPTRANSACTION CAPITAL LTD2.471 B ZAR314 ZAC+5.72%2.462 M1.29−1.23 ZAR−136.87%0.00%
Strong buy
EMHE MEDIA HOLDINGS LTD1.512 B ZAR349 ZAC−0.29%3000.156.360.55 ZAR+22.08%10.89%
EMNE MEDIA HOLDINGS LTD -N-1.512 B ZAR340 ZAC+15.25%300.016.200.55 ZAR+22.08%11.18%
NVSNOVUS HOLDINGS LIMITED1.388 B ZAR440 ZAC+0.69%7530.019.190.48 ZAR0.00%
SZKSAB ZENZELE KABILI767.233 M ZAR3401 ZAC−2.83%2260.171.8518.41 ZAR0.00%
ADRADCORP HOLDINGS LIMITED459.4 M ZAR428 ZAC−0.23%17.423 K1.227.560.57 ZAR7.62%
44SI4SIGHT HOLDINGS LTD405.467 M ZAR74 ZAC−2.63%122.24 K0.6313.650.05 ZAR+220.71%3.29%
PMVPRIMESERV GROUP LTD98.64 M ZAR125 ZAC−3.85%4.491 K0.094.770.26 ZAR−3.47%7.60%