CRWD earnings fractal - Long

Going back to Q1 21 (CRWD fiscal) you can see a bit of pattern how the stock acts going into earnings. The pattern being a sell-off either a week or so before or around 3 weeks. 7-10 days or 20-24.

The first date range is 7 days and it moves upwards of 45+% into earnings of its lows

The next is 23 days and moves close to 60% off it’s lows

The next is 21 days from its low to earnings and runs 33%.

The next is 9 days and runs up 25% from its previous low going into that period

The next is 23 days and it moved up sub 30% from its lows going into earnings

The next is where we are today…

Should we look out 22 days (Q2 2022 CRWD ER and use the daily pattern) and move to $300. That would be a move of ~25% from the lows of today.
Fractal Complete. Remain long shares. $300+ by yearend.
