EURUSD and Tesla most popular assets in the world

Encouraged by the great feedback we received when we had a look at the most popularly-searched for assets in America – we’ve gone and done the same for the whole world.

For the month of July, EURUSD was the most enquired about symbol, taking the top slot in 140 countries worldwide, eight times more popular than its closest rivals Tesla (17) GBPUSD (14) and BTCUSD (13).

There were some country-specific outliers of course: Russia’s most popular asset was Sberbank, Brazil the Ibovespa index and India the Nifty 50 Index.

As we mentioned in our last post on the topic, Tesla rules in America (with Bitcoin not far behind), but it’s also proven incredibly popular in Canada, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Saudia Arabia and even Greenland. Meanwhile, Apple was the most popular symbol in Taiwan only.

Perhaps most interesting of all, our data shone a little spotlight (as you’d imagine, search volume is low) on the most popular market interests of locations little associated with trading, including:

North Korea: BTCUSD
The Vatican: TRGP
Antarctica: TSLA

As always, thanks for reading and being a member of TradingView. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.
