China ETF GXC finding its foot to launch

The China ETF, GXC, has in recent weeks been beaten down. This is great part dur to concerns about their ideology about a Zero COVID strategy, where it comes with great economic costs. The Western media (mostly) has had a field day whacking China on their "primitive" idea, saying that it is impossible, it is unreasonable, it is irrational, etc.
I beg to differ...

The saying... "Do not listen to what people say; watch closely what people do" is apt for application here.
China has an idealogy it is willing to play out. It also indicates that there is something about CoV2 that they might know, which if true, are not telling the rest of the world about it. And as the world is in bewilderment, makes a laughing stock of China, I do beg to differ. Something deep, something beyond what meets the eye is underlying this hidden dragon.

Meanwhile, with bated breath it can be observed the Chain equities have been beaten down... as Shanghai is locked down, and Beijing is at risk of being locked down too. Thing here is... intently watching and looking for a bottoming, it is observed that it might be just starting to break out to the upside.
The GXC Daily chart is showing a pick up in Money Flow, MACD and RPM are starting to synchronously push upside. Still early days, but with turning indicators, and as price closed the last day of the week above a consolidation range, it is encouraging

Would be looking for a triangle / trend line breakout, with indicators breaking out into bullish territory. The next two weeks would be critical to watch closely.
