CoinDesk features TradingView Advanced Charts

Oct 2, 2023

TradingView Advanced Charts are now a part of the CoinDesk interface, providing users with real-time quotes and dynamic software for market analysis.

CoinDesk is one of the most well-known media, events, indices and data company for the global crypto economy. CoinDesk Indices (CDI), a subsidiary of CoinDesk, has been the leading provider of digital asset indices by AUM since 2014. It offers expertise in digital asset indices, data and research to educate and empower investors. CDI has three distinct product lines: single-asset reference rates and indices, broad market and sector indices, and dynamic strategy indices.

With the integration of TradingView analytical software into CoinDesk, traders will gain access to the necessary crypto data displayed on interactive, responsive, and high-performance charts. Supplied with technical indicators and drawing tools, they will help perform more in-depth financial research and prepare for crypto market movements.

We believe that integrating TradingView tools into the CoinDesk interface will help traders make more informed decisions and navigate crypto markets more confidently and precisely.

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