Dhaka Stock Exchange brings its data to TradingView

Jun 21, 2023

We keep connecting more markets to TradingView data feeds so that you can fully use financial globalization in your analysis. This time we present our newest partner, whose data is now available to TradingView users — Dhaka Stock Exchange, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) is one of the two stock exchanges of Bangladesh. It was first incorporated in 1954, but formal trading started in 1956. DSE aims to be the leading exchange in the region, offering state-of-the-art technology to ensure the highest level of confidence among its shareholders. Today, the exchange lists over 600 companies (almost as many as the rivers running through the country), adding more each year, proving the exchange’s determination to grow. It can also be seen from the performance of the DSE Broad Index, the DSE benchmark index, which has been increasing despite the last tumultuous years.

No wonder DSE data has made a valuable addition to TradingView data feeds. You can find the complete list of the available DSE stocks, indices, and bonds by typing the “DSEBD:” in the symbol search field:

We believe the new data will bring new ideas and opportunities to your market research. Don’t forget that Dhaka Stock Exchange is one of many. Our platform reliably connects to hundreds of data feeds, with direct access to 1,357,880 instruments from all over the world. All this makes TradingView your only needed point of entry for everything markets.

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