New pricing for currency pairs: raw spreads on your charts

Oct 19, 2023

We’ve got one important update for those trading via or using data from starting from October 24, 2023, TradingView charts will display raw pricing data for currency pairs.

This data represents significant reductions in spreads, which in forex trading is associated with better quality trade execution and lower trading costs. With raw spreads, some pairs can be traded at as low as 0.0 spread. The updated data on your charts will help you get valuable insights into forex trading and develop more accurate strategies.

To see the data, you can open the symbol search and type the prefix “FOREXCOM:” in the search field:

Please note that all historical data we receive before October 24 will remain unchanged.

Stay tuned to receive all updates in time and adjust your strategies accordingly. And don’t forget that our platform reliably connects to hundreds of data feeds, with direct access to 1,357,880 instruments from all over the world. All this makes TradingView your only needed point of entry for everything markets.

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