Prague Stock Exchange on TradingView: analyze stocks, funds, bonds, and more

Aug 8, 2023

We keep adding new market data to help you broaden your horizons as a trader. Today we present market data from the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE)

The PSE history goes back to 1871 when it was first established to quickly gain great success as a key market in the whole Austro-Hungarian Empire, but – with two world wars one after the other – the exchange had to close and reopened only in 1993. Since then, it’s been working towards attracting more investors and companies: providing access to the local market for the former and space for raising capital for the latter. It’s now a member of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) and holds the status of “Designated Offshore Securities Market” granted by the US SEC. PSE offers stocks, bonds, and other assets to trade and watch, thus serving as a getaway to the local market.

You can access the Prague Stock Exchange data right on TradingView: stocks, funds, warrants, bonds, and indices are at your disposal to perform an informed analysis of the Czech markets. To access the newly-integrated data, open the symbol search field and type “PSEСZ:”.

You simply cannot have too much data, so we believe this latest addition will find its place in your analysis. Let us know your thoughts on this update so we know you’re fully equipped.

Don’t forget that the Prague Stock Exchange is one of many. Our platform reliably connects to hundreds of data feeds, with direct access to 1,357,880 instruments from all over the world. All this makes TradingView your only needed point of entry for everything markets.

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