Warsaw Stock Exchange futures updated to display settlement prices, back-adjustment, and Open interest

Dec 12, 2023

The Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) has been our partner for some time already, providing stock, funds, futures, and indices data to TradingView users. Today, we present an upgrade to its futures data aimed at creating more opportunities for your futures market research.

Settlement price on chart

You now have the option to alternate between Settlement and Last price as the closing value of the contracts. To make this switch, simply click the “SET” button located at the bottom of the chart or select the “Use settlement as close on daily interval” box in the settings.


The Settlement price, determined by the exchange at the end of a trading day using the averages of final asks and bids, provides a clearer insight into the gains and losses of your position. But as helpful as it is, remember that the settlement price is not reflected in intraday intervals. For more details on Settlement vs. Last price, refer to this article.

Back-adjustment of previous contracts

You now have the capability to back-adjust preceding contracts in continuous futures of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, thus eliminating the roll gap resulting from price variations across different contracts.

To activate this feature, simply use the “B-ADJ” button located at the bottom of the chart or check the “Adjust for contracts changes” checkbox in the settings. You can always refer to our Help center for more details.

Open interest

At last, we’ve introduced the functionality to monitor the Open Interest value for futures. This feature displays the cumulative count of outstanding derivative contracts that remain unsettled, providing a valuable tool for a more thorough evaluation of futures. To access this information, navigate to the Indicators, Metrics & Strategies menu and select the Open Interest indicator.


We hope these improvements to GPW data will help you gain more insights and make more informed decisions in futures markets. Don’t forget that GPW is one of many. Our platform reliably connects to hundreds of data feeds, with direct access to 1,357,880 instruments from all over the world. All this makes TradingView your only needed point of entry for everything markets.

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