One million premium subscribers = A million worldly, educated, enlightened, sophisticated, and savvy investors

Dec 17, 2021

When we started 10 years ago, financial gurus tried to convince us that self-directed investors wouldn’t and couldn’t understand the tools that Wall Street professionals are used to. They were confident we wouldn’t be able to get enough users interested in our advanced functionality. “Why would you give away something for free that others get compensated for?” they often asked.

We didn’t listen to them, putting our money on the small investor who we believed had great potential and would quickly understand that success requires strategy, patience and the right tools. As often happens, the experts were wrong — underestimating the abilities and needs of intelligent investors all over the world — and now there are a million of us!

So at this milestone we’d like to thank each and every one of you who, together with us, have changed the stereotypes of self-directed investing. Let’s keep proving with all our successes that the days of Wall Street gurus are coming to an end.

Looking ahead, we’re now doubling down on free content and extra features that’ll help a crop of new financial enthusiasts learn at their own pace. Through this and more we hope they’ll become empowered to take on the markets for themselves as part of a future community of 100M pros and beyond!

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