
Black Rock start his game on BTC pt 5

JhetoXekri Updated   

You don't need to be a genius to know where it's going. 🤣

But you need to be a real idiot, to believe it will fall. 🤣


Where we are going ? keep selling. 🤣


Get ready for 3800 for Jun (2025). 🤣
Officially we are leaving, continue listening to 'geniuses' who are always wrong and call our publications 'political views', unfortunately geopolitics, macroeconomics, technical analysis and news, are intertwined, and are necessary to understand market behavior, it is not 'political views' to intertwine the lies of governments, politicians and military to understand the context, TradingView argues that it is, so we better go, blind leading blind as always. 🤣
All new content will be made through NOSTR, so we avoid the 'house rules', detailed analysis (PDF Format) will be available for a fee, we will let you know when it is ready, we will make a lot of noise as always, I'm glad some users are so uncomfortable with our publications here, it made it very clear to me what your terror is (Facts). 🤣

Keep making mistakes, I will take advantage of every mistake you make, my goal is for our fund to reach 200M, not just what price it will be in a month or so.

Bye. 🤣
TradingView: Comments like this one will of course make you a target and end up getting you banned instead. Please leave your 'political views' out of this site. Its a charting site for technical analysis, not political commentary.

According to TradingView house rules, what we publish are 'political views', so it's not worth publishing anything else here, without context, it's just short term smoke and mirrors to fool fools.

Bye. 🤣
I've been thinking about it, since I'm accused of being a 'terrorist', I'd better not publish any app, everyone can continue to be fooled and can continue to lose money, I don't care, I don't earn anything by publishing free reviews here, I'd better keep making money on my own, give thanks to 'ParabolicP'. 🤣
Our new app will integrate NOSTR + IPFS + TOR + Bitcoin + Web3 + ThorChain features, Untraceable and Uncensored, I think we will leave this nice toy for internal company use, as all my stuff.

Bye. 🤣
SITD: Greater Heights.

Hell Yeah.
And the last warning before I leave: around October (2024) a sigma 7 event (statistic) is expected, correlated with the new avian flu (N5H1), of which only 2 cases have been reported, but 4.2 million vaccines are already produced, how smart are the epidemiologists, they have vaccines ready against viruses that did not even exist, nor had been reported.

Let me know how it goes with that, it doesn't affect us, here we have HAZMAT equipment and other things for different situations ...
I think we will abandon the idea of selling electrical energy, we will use that energy to produce Graphene and meta-materials, the profits are higher, at the end of the year I may manufacture a plasma reactor to test the design.

When I get bored of something I usually change my mind quickly, that's why I design my modular things, to disassemble and reassemble them for other functionalities.

Ultimately what matters to us is that the fund makes more profit, the prototype can produce 1M profit per month.

The population and industries can continue to pay for expensive electricity, i don't care ...
As I said before, I tend to be excessively vindictive, but I don't act as people expect it from me ...
I think I will listen to my old lawyer, we are capitalists, we are in the business of creating wealth, people's problems are not our problem ...
The next time someone helps you for free, don't spit in the soup, the only one affected will be you ...
Solar Fake: Not So important.

Hell Yeah.
Bad luck for many, but never for me ...


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Binance always gives me pleasant surprises, with Binance you earn money instead of likes.

Bye again. 🤣
AUCTIONBTC I'm always be wrong.

Bye again. 🤣
Everyone in the market: no one can predict the market, no one can get it right 100% of the time, it's inhuman, why should I ?

Bye again. 🤣

Looks like a bad times bob. 🤣 BTCDOWNUSDT BTC1! BTCUSD BTCUSDT
There is no strength to continue rising, so it is very likely that the Altcoin Season will start, bitcoin has a double top, followed by a bearish pattern, so it must fall for many to sell and then it will go up.

If it doesn't, I have altcoins correlated and inversely correlated with bitcoin, so I will profit either way, down or up.

Bye again. 🤣
The Treasury will monetize the debt at high rates, the worst possible choice, enjoy the massive devaluation (70's 2nd inflation wave).

I will not sell my Bitcoin, nor my altcoins, nor my metals, it's the money that goes down in value (devaluation), not the assets, it will go up in due time.

It will take as long as it takes, I don't really care, we are in the business of protecting and monetizing investments in btc/metals, not in the business of obtaining fiat that constantly devalues.

Bye again. 🤣
- New war escalation: use of FAB (3000, 5000, 9000) and tactical nuclear weapons, U.S. approves use of weapons to attack Russian territories.

- Western weapons to attack Russian soil ? Putin warns there would be "grave consequences".

Do they want a global conflict, Putin threatened, is obviously what they are looking for ...
In Q4 I hope to move to the mountains, I was talking to my cousin and he told me that he would sell me the land that the guerrillas took from him years ago, we will also buy the land from another family member that is right next, so we can rescue the land of my great grandfather, he was a landowner, it is half mountain, is too cheap buy it.

We will test our metal 'cats' and our 'anthem' armor there, easily covering 78 km in diameter as a combat area. 🤣
So we can manufacture all the graphene we want from there, they are areas where not even the army steps on, low visibility, a lot of fog, a lot of humidity, communications do not work well.

Nobody lives there, it is an area disputed by guerrillas and paramilitaries, several massacres have occurred there, I worked in that area in a sawmill when I was young.

There are tons of organic matter (trees) that can be useful to make graphene. 🤣
The best thing about it is that I don't have to ask anyone for permission, no one has been going there to check anything for decades.

Good luck with WWIII ...
We will deliver the graphene to the docks via air, so we can test my plasma turbines.

Flying fast and at low altitude will be a lot of fun ...
Obadiah Stane: Technology. That's always been your Achilles heel in this part of the world. Don't worry, it'll only last for fifteen minutes ...
When there are problems, I like to go and live far away from everyone, let the others fight for their nations, I am not interested ...
While Bitcoin HOLDERS refuse to sell, bitcoin inverse assets stop their fall and start a bullish cycle, who will be right ? i have assets for both cases. 🤣
The lot of land originally was 300 hectares, when my great-great-grandfather died, they divided it into 3 farms of 100 hectares, the family of one farm they locked them in a house and burned them alive, and all the others were killed one by one and only two of his descendants were left alive, my cousin and another.

My cousin sells me the land, he has no problem and the other one, he has not been around for decades because of the guerrillas, I would like to unify the land of my great grandfather again and clean the area of guerrillas, they are people who extort civilians and kill them for any reason.

I want to plant trees in that area, they have cut down a lot of nature from the way it was before, dozens of hectares of forest.
These zones have between 30k to 100k guerrilla units, they move in groups of 6 to 12 men, but the camps are very high up where there is zero visibility, where the Colombian army has never wanted to bomb because they don't care.
I don't fight for anyone's causes, but since criminals murdered my family to get land to continue committing crimes, I have no problem with taking it personally ...
Our investment fund needed a 100 hectare lot for a project we have, it is very convenient to buy this land from them and cut all the loose ends that have been there for decades.

I never forgive, I only play dumb when it suits me, but I'm tired of playing dumb ...
The 'old man' taught me only one rule: 'whoever is against life, does not come from me', very convenient that the guerrillas and paramilitaries do not respect this rule ...
When we make the purchase of the land be official, we will not respect the life of anyone who sets foot on our property, civilians do not go there, so all those who come are either guerrillas or paramilitaries.

Colombian soldiers will not be either, because the Colombian army has not set foot there in 40 years.
The bums, drug addicts and drug traffickers are used to fight against the Colombian army for decades, we will make it clear to them that this is totally disproportionate, it will be very clear to them when projectiles with kinetic energy with energies comparable to 100 kg - 1000 kg of TNT hit the ground.

The Russian strategy made it very clear to us how to make the idiots understand. 🤣
In the zones where we buy properties from our relatives (minimum 100 hectares), there will be no more guerrilla, paramilitary or illegal armed groups, I prefer to grind 1000 bums than to cut a tree, it is 24 tons of free coal and a benefit for the civil community.
Colombian law stipulates that a 'private property' is also the sub soil of the property, so we will have 500 meters to dig a big hole and fill it with automated hydroponic growing systems, there will be no shortage of food here.
Make no mistake, I am not a patriot, I just do business and take care of the company's investments, guerrillas, paramilitary and illegal armed groups are an impediment to an ideal business climate, no one is going to cry for 1000 bums that I put in an oven or yes ?
We will not buy land that does not belong to our ancestors, so we will limit ourselves to cover the areas where our family is from.
There's going to be war everywhere, so we'd better try out our designs.

Tell me when the show ends ?
- Yemen's Ansarullah says it struck the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Nimitz-class aircraft carrier with an anti-ship ballistic missile in the Red Sea.

We do not confirm this, because there are no videos to prove it so far, if it's confirmed, prepare for a crash in the U.S. markets, and an excessively bullish bitcoin / crypto cycle (fusion).
Tell me when the show ends ?
U.S. offered F-16 to replace Kfir aircraft in Colombia: "We are ready".

General Laura Richardson confirmed the requests of the Colombian Ministry of Defense to replace its fighter jets.

I had already published a long time ago the list of countries that would be involved in WWIII, obviously one of them Colombia, these new planes allow to carry nuclear weapons, countries that have already taken off the mask in the region: Colombia, Ecuador and Argentina.

I know perfectly well what comes next ...
Why am I going to the mountains? Because that mountain specifically is made of granite, I just have to assemble an ion-based drilling system and it will melt the rock like cheese.

if a nuclear inferno breaks out, I can be perfectly fine at 500 meters underground or more, not even russian missiles will tickle the mountain.
Remember this, bitcoin is kept in cold wallets outside of exchanges and wallets that can be censored, metals are purchased physically when used as collateral.

Good luck ...
Spain has already begun forced recruitment, forcing all men fit to fight to register in a single registry.

Spain is not a safe place against the war.
Colombia is not a safe place either, but nobody is going to come looking for me in thousands and thousands of hectares of forest full of fog and anti-personnel landmines.
You have to be very stupid to go there, I am one of those stupid people, because I know the area very well ...
I had warned about all this a long time ago and all I heard was mockery and insults.

Good luck with your 'democracy', where I go every man take care for himself.
Tell me what is the next ?
Creeping fascism: Israeli style ID checkpoints are coming to more college campuses in the West — where already we are seeing fences and cameras and barbed wires and more armed police across college campuses, parks and in other public places.

Dystopia has started ...

Yemen's Houthi rebels have launched a second attack in 24 hours against the US aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower in the Red Sea, using missiles and drones, as per Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saria on Al Masirah TV.

This recent strike follows a previous attack, which the Houthis claim was a response to US and British strikes, killing 16 people.

Additionally, the Houthis reported hitting a US destroyer and three commercial vessels in various locations, including the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The escalation follows a substantial strike by UK and US forces on Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, targeting 13 different locations, as confirmed by the US Central Command.
As we have been saying for a long time, someone is going to lose an aircraft carrier very soon, to people walking in flip-flops, when it happens, we will see a crash in the US markets.

Get ready.
Bitcoin Inverse altcoin is going up ? probably nothing ...
Bug's fixed on our lib, 47 predictions right, now to clean that chaos.

I bet that you like to go over Mach 25, at these speeds, the air is ionized by friction and radars are of absolutely no use whatsoever. 🤣
I will add the predictive calculation for additional properties to make materials that absorb electromagnetic waves, so there is no need to go so fast.

I bet we can make these things appear out of nowhere and disappear in seconds, the air force pilots are going to go crazy when they see it. 🤣
I am also going to add an additional list of ceramic compounds, so it will support more than 50 compounds, we can add more if it's required. 🤣
Everyone wants fame, wealth, power, I just want to get out of this damn dump. 🤣
I was reviewing various qualities of graphene, prices and suppliers, I think we could make 60 M for next year. 🤣
What an idiot I am, I should have accepted every damn offer I've been offered in the last 20 years, by every idiot I've ever met. 🤣
I was also reviewing the geology of the mountain where my cousin has the land, we can make a deep hole, it would leave us more than 150 floors for what we want.

I'm too stupid. 🤣
It looks like I'm finally going to be able to build my bar in the middle of the Van Allen fields, so no one can fuck with my life.

I knew it, the initial equations said it was possible. 🤣
Peter Heppner: Unloveable.

Hell Yeah.
When the fools adjust the prices with the M1 index, they will understand how much money they are losing (Stock Market, Gold, Etc). 🤣
The M1 Index. 🤣
'Chine and Colombia are no banana republics'. 🤣
The Chilean economy seems to be highly correlated with the ATL values of the U.S. economy. 🤣
By 2030 - 2032 we will see all of Latin America bankrupt, its population will be immensely poor.

I promise to buy many bargains at very low prices, we don't want farm land, we want forests in the high mountains (water is more important). 🤣
Just a show to fool people. 🤣
Today we started adding super high temperature ceramics and other medium range ceramics that I wanted to add, so we cover all types of commercially available ceramics or those developed in laboratory tests.

The new ceramics will serve as a second layer of protection against air friction, so we could easily exceed speeds of Mach 25, the theoretical maximum would be 90k km/s (more than 264 times the speed of sound). 🤣
After these speeds and the structural resistance of the system are tested, we will test the negative G-force system, which would allow extremely high speeds without feeling any G-force. 🤣
While the idiots kill each other, we will continue to work on our technologies.

They will be very useful for the fourth industrial revolution. 🤣
The next decade will see the testing of EPU Generators (Version 5-6), which will generate the energy needed to distort the laws of space-time, allowing us to go faster than the speed of light.

Science is not about memorizing formulas and obtaining certificates, it is about sweeping the floor with the previous 'genius'. 🤣
New developments on the 'Dwight Eisenhower'.

- The ship's captain has released a video showing that the aircraft carrier is 'fine' (old video from March).
- The aircraft carrier has pulled out of its combat position, it has arrived at a port in Saudi Arabia.

I don't know Rick, it sounds to me like they are lying. 🤣
Warning: my market metrics are going to be overtaken by the real trend, it's going to be epic.

Cancel all my sell orders. 🤣
We will not use our technology to produce and sell weapons, the special ceramics will only be used to manufacture the coating of our prototype: 'YT-1300 light freighter', it will be used for cargo transportation and mining.

If the propulsion system works as the equations describe, we will have access to vast amounts of minerals and resources, while everyone here is killing each other. 🤣
We have been digging through NASA databases and other institutions, marking the places where we could obtain these resources.

We are going to integrate this into a GIS system that covers our solar system.

There is no GIS system with these features, so we had to build one. 🤣
It looks like snake oil salesman 'Elon Musk' is going to be very angry, the cost of transporting cargo (Cube Sats) to low orbit will be much cheaper than what they have.

We will not supply countries that have looted countries, promoted coups d'état and displaced thousands of people from their homes, including all NATO members and their allies, including Colombia, not all is about to money. 🤣
Because our planet is totally full of garbage, seas, air, land and space, all the garbage we clean up we keep.

Free resources. 🤣
Just a show to fool people, as we said, keep selling. 🤣
All perfect as we said for months, keep selling. 🤣
Gold vs Bitcoin having bad times, keep buying. 🤣
Futures ready to explode, keep selling. 🤣
'Cup and Handle', probably nothing, keep selling. 🤣
Amon Amarth: Raven's Flight.

Hell Yeah.
CME Futures at 69k. 🤣
Hey 'Peter Schiff', Gold is going to 500% and BTC is falling near to zero as you said. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Put your eyes on Jun 8 and call me liar. 🤣
Unheilig: Einer von Millionen (One in millions).

Hölle Ja.
We have been doing some tests with the new updates and according to the results of the predictions in ceramic materials we can manufacture ceramics resistant to electromagnetic fields and EMP bomb attacks.

Since these materials are not weapons, they can be sold for sectors such as:

- Critical infrastructure
- Telecommunications
- Data centers
- Hospitals

The coatings can be easily installed using panels, and tubular ceramics can also be manufactured to protect cabling.
These ceramics can also be purchased by citizens to protect their homes from electronic warfare or nearby high-voltage power grids.

Transport systems of critical elements may also be coated with these ceramics.
All of our decentralized technologies will have this protection if the buyer so desires (Additional Feature).
India takes off its mask and initiates tensions with Russia and China, on the other hand it sends workers en masse to Israel, thus sacrificing its long term economic stability, a very vivid Stockholm syndrome.

It seems that once again short term strategies will lead to disaster. 🤣
India's decisions do not affect BRICS, 40 countries in and one out. 🤣
The north is burning: Israeli media reports that 32 firefighting teams have been working for hours to extinguish fires spreading in 13 locations across the northern Galilee due to the recent strikes by the Lebanese resistance.

Funny, Israel Leaders were asking to burn Lebanon and now it is Israel that is burning. 🤣
To complete our technology puzzle, we only need to solve the manufacturing of nano-scale semiconductors, but that will be solved within 5 years, so we will not depend on any country.

Self-sustainable and in balance with the universe, is our policy.
Making weapons and selling them is contrary to being in balance with the universe, so we will not get involved in the defense sector.

We will let the psychopaths kill each other, in the end we will see who has won the technology race. 🤣
I will tell my grandchildren, how there was a time when idiots killed each other for nothing ...
Today we can finally say that: we can manufacture ceramic composites that absorb electromagnetic waves like those installed by the Russians in Sukhoi Su-57 and Tupolev PAK DA. 🥳

Hell Yeah.
Wilde Flamme: Die Zeit kommt allein und nicht zu zweit (Time comes alone and not in pairs).

Hölle Ja.
Finally we have how to manufacture the coating for the 'YT-1300 light freighter', with zero electromagnetic signature. 🥳

It's going to be a lot of fun to mine asteroids. 🤣
While digging through NASA databases and other sites, I found a very interesting moon, the electromagnetic spectrum says that there are diamonds, to pick up with a shovel. 🤣
I guess there must be diamonds bigger than the 'Koh-i-Noor' with 105.6 carats, I guess the royals will be very angry if we bring a sack full of these.

Prices may collapse. 🤣
The time I was watching the Loki series, it left me thinking something, it would be too much fun to use those things as paperweights, it doesn't really have any value, it's just crystallized carbon, one of the most abundant things in the universe. 🤣
It's funny the mentality of humans, they murder people / animals and destroy nature which is the only thing that has value in the universe (life), just to get worthless things, I will never understand them. 🤣
Oh Surprise:

Israel attacked the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967.

34 Americans died. 170+ were injured.

57 years later, the NSA still refuses to release documents that would reveal the full story.

This Thursday, our mini doc explores why.

Ready for the facts?

Starring Scott Ritter
Probably nothing ...
As I keep repeating, the world's population is just a big bunch of fools, who never find out about anything, it's great for us, ZERO competition. 🤣
U.S. start selling the talk of sending Tomahawk missiles with a range of 1000 km to Ukraine, because Russia has not done anything about its red lines.

Surprises are coming in Q4 (2024) - Q1 (2025). 🤣
Russian analysts propose to Putin the strategy for nuclear war with EUROPE.

Too smart that European leaders. 🤣
We added models to predict optical properties to the materials, we also included the basis for the support of nano composites and nano / meta materials and we also added graphene to the list of materials that the library supports.

Later I will add more things, for the design of materials with special optical properties, very useful for design special optical coatings (harry potter's cape). 🤣
It would be very interesting to design a coating so that the 'YT-1300 light freighter' is not visible to the human eye and multi-spectral sensors. 🤣
The complete kit would be: zero electromagnetic footprint, zero multi-spectral footprint and zero sound footprint, ideal for getting in and out of anywhere and delivering special materials to any supplier without anyone knowing we were there (the witches' mail). 🤣
Turkey plans to file a lawsuit against Israel at ICJ

Turkey will file a lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague in June, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said.

In early May, Ankara expressed its intention to join South Africa's lawsuit against Israel filed at the ICJ over the situation in the Gaza Strip.

"Our lawyers are actively working on it. First we announced our decision to our public, then we sent a note to the UN court secretariat. Now we are preparing our legally valid text, which we will forward to the court," Fidan commented to the press.

The senior diplomat added that he believes the request will be submitted "during the month of June".
What is more valuable than money ? a cargo transportation system that no one can track. 🤣
I find the mentality of Latinos to be decadent and mediocre, many enter the drug trade for money, but it seems that the very useless ones do not know how to add up:

Graphene (Kg): 200k USD.
Cocaine (Kg): 69k USD.

Prisons all over Latin America are full of 'geniuses'. 🤣
The advantage of trading graphene, not cocaine, is that you can sell it legally in many parts of the world and if you have a good tax structure you will pay close to zero. 🤣
Our strategy for selling graphene is very simple and we got it from the Russians, 20% discount to the market price and we deliver the product close to the dock where it is to be delivered. 🤣
When we finish testing our light-duty prototype, we will be able to deliver 100 tons of graphene anywhere, even if there is WWIII, only Bitcoin will accepted as payment. 🤣
Don't worry, the "YT-1300 light freighter" will not be registered, nor patented, witches don't register their flying brooms, they are secrets to be kept well guarded, for generations. 🤣
Today is a great day, I found how to solve the problem of the generators (version 5-6), it will be very expensive to manufacture, but it is possible to manufacture.

This new update allows us to reduce the cost of the generators (version 3-4). 🥳
These new technologies allow us to continuously and uninterruptedly generate the energy needed to 'twist' the laws of spacetime, which is basically sweeping the floor with the current 'genius'.

So asteroid 16 Psyche, which is at a distance of 18 minutes and 36.1403 seconds at the speed of light, would collapse the world economy and markets if the resources it contains were sold. 🤣
Personally I think that selling these resources for devalued fiat money is wasting them on colored toilet paper, better to create more technology with all that and create a new colony far away from this world. 🤣
So finally my reward has come, maybe in 10 years we will be out of here. 🥳
I guess everyone here will be just fine without me, killing each other over trinkets. 👽
I can wait as long as it takes, babies are not created in two days. 🤣
I heard 'Berkshire Hathaway' had a 'Flash Crash', reminds me of 1929.
Very rich people will lose everything and some fools like me will become very rich, is how economy / market works. 🤣
Colombia monetary devaluation are near to start. 🤣
Many do not know, nor will they ever know, what is really going on in the market. 🤣
Oh Surprise:

“Moscow can provide long-range arms to others to strike Western targets” — Putin.

If US/EU can wage a proxy war using Ukraine, then Russia can play the same game.
Telegram: ‘Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths’

I only publish conspiracy theories, urban myths, fantasies, propaganda and political views, right ? I'm wrong as always. 🤣
It seems that my 'master' is right as usual, and your analysts and experts are not, personally I will continue to listen to him and analyze what his metaphors mean. 🤣
Stay away from any military base / equipment, this will get very ugly. 🤣
I only know one thing, if I continue to work hard as I have been doing, in 10 years or so, I will no longer be 'here', the violation of the laws of spacetime allow interdimensional travel, if you travel faster than light, when you stop you are no longer in the same universe.

It would be very useful to work in gene (molecular biology + AI) to solve the aging dilemma, ELYON and his 70 sons including Yahweh would die of rage, what they hate / fear the most according to the ancient texts is that a 'slave' is like them.

Funny how life can end up fulfilling what I once shouted to Yahweh a few decades ago, when I lay my hands on you, you will shout all I want you to shout. 🤣
The 'gods' without their genetic modifications and their 'magic' machines are in the end the same as the 'slaves', just flesh and blood. 🤣
J.B.O: Alles nur geklaut (Everything just stolen).

Hölle Ja.
I heard that the Russians are going to deliver hypersonic missiles to Cuba, with a range of 2000 km, so they could hit Washington DC, the missile crisis 2.0 has begun. 🤣
The Houthi's may begin to receive long-range and possibly hypersonic missiles, aircraft carriers in the Middle East are no longer safe. 🤣
Japan's Ministry has disclosed that Japanese automakers are making unsafe cars. 🤣
I guess if NATO approves 'pre-emptive' nuclear bombing over Russia and BRICS members, the West will see hell, so from now on there will only be disinformation and media warfare.

Because they can't attack anything at all or they will lose out, enjoy mass lies from now on. 🤣
I'm testing something about a coating with negative optical values, this thing would allow to create optical coatings with exotic properties (you can't see it).

A movie called predator sounds familiar to you ? same effect. 🤣
This new toy is going to be much better than having your own flying saucer (UFO). 🤣
I always wondered why UFOs did not have more advanced technology than they are speculated to have ? why can they be recorded by cameras if they are such advanced civilizations ? answer: they are not aliens ...
I wonder how many other things about our civilization are lies ? answer: too many. 🤣
The FED will not lower interest rates ? we will see when they lower them in panic, and in just one night, some cryptocurrencies make gigantic candles.

What the ECB says matters very little, Europe has already destroyed its economy. 🤣
I personally expect a devaluation cycle in all currencies in Q4, keep selling 'genius'. 🤣
We were doing some crazy calculations about special materials and meta materials, I can only say that a very fantastic era is coming, almost unreal. 🤣
From the beginning it was warned that what was wanted in Gaza was to commit genocide and steal the land, many mentally retarded people called us conspiracy theorists, now the leaders of Israel are shouting it on TV and Internet.

And again, i'm too wrong as always. 🤣

Melt Up: 150k - 180k

Fusion: From 350k - 450k
We will see values at 80k on the next weeks. 🤣
This time is different: Germany dug its own grave, I hope it was worth destroying its economy.

France, Italy and Spain fall and the European Union ends, just 'genius'. 🤣
Enjoy the fantasies, the urban myths, the conspiracy theories and my deep schizophrenia, I 'hallucinate' too much. 🤣
Russia will soon begin military exercises in the Caribbean, near the borders of the US - CBS

Russian warships have already been sent there for these purposes. The exercises will involve warships and long-range bombers from the Russian Northern Fleet, and they will be the first simultaneous air and naval maneuvers that Russia has been conducting in the Caribbean since 2019.

The United States interprets them as a response to American support for Ukraine, several American publications report at once, citing Pentagon officials.

They are told that the market fell because of the reported values and it is false, it falls because they initiate a short, there are many leveraged fools (long/short) and the wave of panic triggers falls in the market, the same old story, but people continue and will continue forever believing in stupidities and lies.
The dollar is not strong and will never be strong, the massive devaluation due to public debt and military spending makes it weak every day, it is just index manipulation.
Positive employment levels say the reports ? tell me if it shows anything positive, it has only done ATL.
Tell me when have more jobs been created ?
Where is the massive hiring ?
Tell me where is there full employment ?
All the employment that has been created is part-time, not full-time, which means that the reported employment levels are false, they do not show an improvement, they show a worsening of working conditions.

In simple terms, there are not more employees, there are fewer employees with more part-time jobs, which means a worsening of working conditions.

U.S. is lying ...
I like that the U.S. has more part time jobs than full time jobs, why ? because they will have more deficits, as there will be more deficits, they will have to cover them with more devaluation (print money), which will create more inflation and in the long run my portfolio will be worth more money.

I'm going to sell my assets ? NO, I just have more free time to finish my things. 🤣
What about Bitcoin, nothing, the rise will be amazing, no one with a brain is selling massively, only idiots sell. 🤣
Talking about things more interesting than 'market manipulations' for dummies, it turns out that we found a way to manufacture meta-alloys, which are estimated to have physical properties similar to those described in comics (Adamantium).

They will be extremely expensive to produce, they will require absurdly high amounts of energy, but they will allow to build sub-aquatic transports for extremely high depths (10 km). 🤣
So now 'theoretically' we have the super complete kit: optical properties, thermal properties, electromagnetic properties and the ability to go down where the most advanced submarines cannot go at high velocities.

It's because working in the inverse of the G-forces, we find that the same applies to pressures. 🤣
So if a mass extinction event occurs, we could remain in the deep, while everything on the surface dies.

Something more advanced than 'Noah's ark'. 🤣
For some years now I have been thinking about what would be a good replacement for capitalism, communism and socialism, I think that 'barter' is a fair method to trade and mass produce any product or technology, we will probably implement it in 'NoWhere'.
It could work very similar to 'EVE Online', you have the necessary minerals, the machines can refine and produce them, the machines could keep a percentage of the resources as a fee for producing products or technologies.
There will be some things that machines will refuse to produce, such as weapons, or compounds that are used to harm living things.
We go to ZERO ? for sure 'genius', just market manipulation for dummies. 🤣
The great strength of the dollar that in 2027 will make a double top and will fall again like a bun in the toilet, starting the third inflationary wave (next halving), how dumb do you have to be not to understand it ?

Any asset in the stock market will give you more dollars that are worth less, what a genius you are. 🤣 SPX SPY
This time is different. 🤣 SPX SPY
Optical Meta-Materials library ready, now we have a full kit. 👽

Hell Yeah.
Unantastbar: Gerader Weg.

Hölle Ja.
I promise to add this kind of camouflage to 'Anthem' style armor, it's going to be a lot of fun to try that out. 🤣
It is going to be necessary to build an additional machine to make these coatings, the funny thing is that I love making things. 🤣
I finish cleaning up the library, add comments and some utilities to simplify things and continue with the new update for the EPU Generators and wave rectifiers.

These generators use more than 3 phase to exploit the full potential of the system, if you connect something to this, without the rectifiers it is very likely to fry whatever you connect, they generate a lot of power. 🤣
With the new copper and graphene wiring, the motors will be much smaller and much more powerful, we could even replace the copper with aluminum. 🤣
It seems that the calculations we are testing will be very useful for manufacturing:

- Photonic propulsion engine.
- Kinetic impact shields.
- Special alloys.

The advantage of this technology for us is that it consumes thousands of times more than the aluminum, copper and graphene industry, so very few will be able to use it.
It seems that we will be able to make a legendary alloy, something much harder than the mythological 'Damascus steel', which according to ancient texts could cut rocks in half, it would be fun to build a sword for an anthem armor with this.

It's going to be fun to see how this cuts an engine in two. 🤣
Maybe in 10 years this will be available and may already be incorporated in all our prototypes. 🤣
As already warned, U.S. and NATO members will violate international trade laws, so the stampede of funds from these countries will soon begin. 🤣
So it is possible that in 10 years we will have the technology to mine large quantities of minerals at distances in light years, distance will no longer be an impediment to reach these unlimited resources.

I am glad that everyone here is thinking about killing each other for scarce resources. 🤣
So the way things are going, when the NATO vs China / Russia war is over, we will already have our large scale mining prototypes built far away from here.

We will trade a small part of these resources with countries that have not been involved in genocides, coups and plundering of other countries. 🤣
According to the new calculations, we could manufacture condensed materials that defy the laws of physics, such as a tennis ball weighing as much as a city.

Very useful for making armor against hypersonic missiles. 🤣
Manufacturing these materials is very complex and dangerous, because when they are manufactured they produce radiation in many electromagnetic spectra, and can even generate ionizing radiation such as gamma radiation.

It's like having a black hole that produces very special materials. 🤣
I only know that many advanced technologies will come out of our research, will not be sold, will not be registered and will not be patented, only products generated with these technologies will be sold.
I think once we build our first special propulsion, thinking in 2 or 3 years, we will start building our refinery in the area with the highest density of ionizing radiation in the Van Allen belts, so no one will come to fuck with our lives.

Size will be around 1.5 KM of diameter, too cheap to build if you have the right technology. 🤣
So we may start trading products, materials and composites with countries within 5 years.

We will trade only in bitcoin and no sanctions, blockades or restrictions will be respected, we will trade with whomever we wish. 🤣
Because we don't trust anyone, anything that comes near our refineries will be considered an enemy, anything that is destroyed will be shredded, processed and refined to produce more materials.

So it's going to be fun in the new era that is about to begin. 🤣
We set a goal to manufacture 300 kg of graphene between 2024 - 2025, once we produce it, we will sell it and start building our technology.

No partners, no external investment and no debt.
We are obliged to ensure a code (rules) or we will have no more help for our projects, so that's why our policy.
How are the assets going ? perfectly normal for the cycle we will have, sell if you wish, I don't play what fools play.
When we start the manufacturing of our prototypes, we will need people in several countries, to buy garbage, scrap, waste or minerals, stay tuned, we will let you know.
Free transportation to 'NoWhere' will be available for those who want to trade with us, always remember, religion and politics are forbidden in our house, crimes are paid in kind (with pain).

Death is paid with death ...
Alexander Eder: Für diesen Moment (For this moment).

Hölle Ja.
The U.S. is very concerned about the Russian nuclear submarine off the U.S. coast, they should be, that one submarine alone could reduce the entire U.S. to ashes.

I will not have as much patience as Putin if someone attacks us, they will beg to die, but they will never have that pleasure ...
Very soon I will be a citizen of 'no country', my one way ticket is coming soon ...
In 'NoWhere' swaps will be enabled to exchange crypto to Bitcoin, because only Bitcoin or minerals are accepted as a means of payment.
Alexander Eder: Ganz normal gestört (Disturbed as normal).

Hölle Ja.
It's funny, the 'old man' tests you to make you give up, if you don't give up and your ideals are the same, you get what you asked for from the beginning of the journey.

Prove your worth and you will get what you want. 👽
Juli: Fette Wilde Jahre (Fat Wild Years).

Hölle Ja.
I heard that the Fed lost the war against cryptocurrencies that started in 2021, and that the IMF issued a warning about the dollar, i'm already knew it would happen, it's only a matter of time, they will collapse thanks to their own arrogance. 🤣
BTC will replicate that 2017 bull run, just perfect as always.

Get ready to the massive devaluation that are coming.
We were doing research on extremely expensive and difficult to manufacture compounds in the area of nanotechnology, I think we have a whole range of things to manufacture, there will be 20% discount on all products paid with bitcoin, the products can be purchased in several online stores, but the discount will only be made if you pay with bitcoin through our app.
We will replace all the copper in our motors and add graphene to improve the conductivity and completely eliminate rare earths from the motors, so we will have easy to obtain resources.
I will think about designing a prototype that will allow us to produce at least 1 ton per month of each product, with a high electrical consumption (nano -technology).

Maybe for the next wear will be ready for production, the first shipment will be made from Colombia because there are a lot of things we have in stock, but a month later we are leaving.
The mass production of nano-composites, nano-materials and advanced technologies will be realized from a place that cannot be found: 'NoWhere', I found a way to make a miniature of it. 🤣
The 'witches courier' will deliver the nano-composites where are requested, fly too fast. 🤣
300 Kg of graphene retail, has a value close to 60 M, we can deliver the quantities that are required, starting at retail and then with wholesale orders.
Let's say that in 1 or 2 years it could be a long trip where the internet does not reach, so it is very likely to be offline for an indefinite period of time.

I am going alone to pick up a gift, but it may take some time that I cannot determine.
It may take 6 to 12 months to build the new distributed systems to manufacture nano-materials, they will be slightly larger than a 40-foot container, they will be 'cigar-shaped', but they will be untraceable, only 'Phantom' will know where they are, he has to deliver and pick up products from these cylinders and protect them as well.
The machines will keep working while I'm gone for a while, I'll be back, I always come back.
We may end up solving the problem of making nano-scale semiconductors well before 5 years.
Everything has gone wrong for NATO and it will get worse, it amuses me that they keep betting on the 'oracles' that take them from bad to worse, time has run out, even for their oracles. 🤣
Maybe by the time I get back, the machines will have the amount of ore I need to make something fun: The Van Allen Bar. 🤣
And by the way, MicroStrategy ( MSTR ) is going to buy 700 M in Bitcoin, while everyone is selling, traders and investors always are wrong. 🤣
What happens with bitcoin ? Nothing, are perfectly fine, just cheap prices. 🤣
And i keep saying it's a symmetrical triangle. 🤣
See you, I'll keep testing something I'm working on, if it works out, we'll be able to do much more fantastic things. 👽
Adel Tawil: Lieder.

Hölle Ja.


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