Major update: we’ve got a new look and feel!

Jul 19, 2021

Every once in a while you have to commit to something that pushes the boundaries of your comfort zone — that gets your heart beating, the breath shaky and palms sweaty. For us, that’s this moment right now, where we share with you the efforts of a project that’s been a long time in the making. It’s with great pleasure, and more than a little nervousness, that we present to you the new look and feel for TradingView!

So what’s different? We break down everything below.

Look first / Then leap

Our mission has forever been: Always an informed decision. That it doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from or what your risk appetite is, everyone is entitled to the right tools and the right information to make the best trading and investment decisions possible.

Now, in an attempt to articulate that ambition more evocatively, you’ll see us using the concept Look first / Then leap more around the site. We think this sums up pretty well what TradingView’s all about — there’s no point jumping blindly into trades (that’s why you use charts) but at the same time you don’t just do 100% of your analysis just for fun — there’s got to be some commitment required.

First you prepare, then you go for it: Look first / Then leap.

Meet our sports stars

The other big change — which you might‘ve noticed from a glance at the homepage — is we’re now sponsoring some of the biggest names in the world of climbing, skiing and adventure! This includes legendary free soloist Alex Honnold, renowned free-skier Caite Zeliff and adventurer Leo Houlding.

Wait, this is a trading site, why are you sponsoring sports stars? Well, because they’re kick-ass human-beings doing incredible things. We also wanted to spend the marketing budget on something worthwhile, rather than billboards no one reads. Less flippantly, we’re investing in these athletes because they really get the TradingView spirit: the ethos of planning hard, working harder and then committing to something incredible. It’s what we see you lot doing on a daily basis, and it’s totally inspiring.

We’re going to feature thought-starting interviews from Alex, Caite, Leo and more, on topics as varied as managing risk, and following your passion — so keep an eye on Editor’s Picks for updates in the near future.

Goodbye little cloud, hello new direction

Oh, TradingView cloud, how we’ve adored you. What a great and trusty logo you’ve been, and you’ll always have a very special space in our hearts. As a bit of history, when we made our first logo, 10 years ago, ‘the cloud’ was still in its infancy — so we wanted to highlight our special heritage of taking interactive charts to the web. Now, the cloud is as common as bread and milk and so our logo had lost a bit of its specialness. It was time for a change.

Our new logo, we feel, is a perfect encapsulation of where we’re headed. It’s a ‘TV’ monogram made up of three distinct elements: the right angle makes a frame, the chart by which we all use; the dot represents an eye, the act of watching what’s happening in the markets: finally the upward slash represents everything a trader could want to see, profit. It can also look like someone shrugging, which kinda sums up our attitude to the world sometimes — although this wasn’t an intentional design choice.

Do let us know what you think about it.

Other changes

Finally, you’ll probably have already noticed but recently we’ve been tweaking our colors, fonts, illustration style and other elements too. There’s still a bit of work to go here, so please bear with us as we make these changes.

That’s all. It’s been an exciting time developing this new look and feel for TradingView. As ever, we do this work for our users, to give you the best possible home for your trading and investing journey. So please do let us know all your thoughts, comments, fears and dreams and we’ll do our best to listen and to help.

“Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
    But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
    Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.”

 Team TradingView

Look first Then leap

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