Top gaining US stocks in post-market

US stocks below gained the most in price during the post-market session. They are sorted by post-market price percentage change and supplied with other important metrics, including volume and market cap.
Post-market Chg %
Post-market Close
Post-market Chg
Post-market Vol
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
CGTXCognition Therapeutics, Inc.
+53.16%3.63 USD1.26 USD4.431 M2.37 USD+12.86%5.656 M94.939 M USD+36.06%
DDCDDC Enterprise Limited
+29.24%0.8000 USD0.1810 USD4.286 M0.6190 USD+6.17%4.565 M13.353 M USD
MINFT Limited
+26.29%5.57 USD1.16 USD15.428 K4.41 USD−3.49%20.86 K3.087 M USD−55.60%
AMBIAmbipar Emergency Response
+24.46%5.75 USD1.13 USD7.205 K4.62 USD+29.05%59.948 K256.086 M USD+9.11%
OXBROxbridge Re Holdings Limited
+18.64%3.50 USD0.55 USD1002.95 USD−13.74%82.806 K17.72 M USD+88.06%
RNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
+15.70%0.3420 USD0.0464 USD7.258 M0.2956 USD−2.02%8.092 M2.148 M USD+0.20%
PAPLPineapple Financial Inc.
+15.00%1.1500 USD0.1500 USD30.442 K1.0000 USD+5.80%444.904 K7.273 M USD
YIBOPlanet Image International Limited
+14.58%3.34 USD0.42 USD52.132 K2.92 USD+53.43%260.072 K157.065 M USD
PBIPitney Bowes Inc.
+12.61%7.59 USD0.85 USD442.107 K6.74 USD+1.20%2.015 M1.206 B USD+78.11%
MNDRMobile-health Network Solutions
+11.71%1.24 USD0.13 USD1.578 M1.11 USD−0.89%1.937 M37.74 M USD
NAMSNewAmsterdam Pharma Company N.V.
+11.19%20.97 USD2.11 USD17.891 K18.86 USD+0.75%87.419 K1.697 B USD+82.01%
PEVPhoenix Motor Inc.
+9.99%0.4105 USD0.0373 USD2.431 K0.3732 USD−8.08%118.525 K13.092 M USD−1.27%
ALRNAileron Therapeutics, Inc.
+9.80%2.80 USD0.25 USD1.512 K2.55 USD+1.59%57.641 K55.118 M USD+603.73%
EAFGrafTech International Ltd.
+9.56%0.8800 USD0.0768 USD275.118 K0.8032 USD−4.74%6.98 M206.557 M USD−81.05%
SGNSigning Day Sports, Inc.
+9.17%0.2190 USD0.0184 USD6.071 K0.2006 USD+3.24%178.963 K3.213 M USD
YYGHYY Group Holding Limited
+8.83%0.7977 USD0.0647 USD8000.7330 USD+0.41%39.099 K28.899 M USD
IINNInspira Technologies Oxy B.H.N. Ltd.
+8.26%1.18 USD0.09 USD3.612 K1.09 USD+2.83%45.139 K20.008 M USD+18.46%
HSDTHelius Medical Technologies, Inc.
+8.11%0.7600 USD0.0570 USD7660.7030 USD−10.35%139.727 K2.083 M USD−53.81%
NCNCnoco-noco Inc.
+7.92%0.1716 USD0.0126 USD3.963 K0.1590 USD−3.58%915.528 K21.533 M USD−67.78%
FTFTFuture FinTech Group Inc.
+7.89%0.4747 USD0.0347 USD6600.4400 USD−1.76%51.404 K8.794 M USD−49.19%
CONNConn's, Inc.
+7.43%0.3600 USD0.0249 USD538.365 K0.3351 USD−18.07%1.999 M8.339 M USD−88.43%
BRFHBarfresh Food Group Inc.
+7.16%3.59 USD0.24 USD1193.35 USD−4.29%29.108 K49.312 M USD+194.26%
ZCMDZhongchao Inc.
+6.72%1.27 USD0.08 USD4001.19 USD−0.83%9.179 K8.988 M USD−89.58%
XGNExagen Inc.
+6.47%2.14 USD0.13 USD1.255 K2.01 USD−0.99%12.502 K34.921 M USD−15.09%
ELABElevai Labs, Inc.
+6.46%0.4711 USD0.0286 USD2.669 K0.4425 USD−0.43%81.651 K8.36 M USD
TCJHTop KingWin Ltd
+6.39%0.3195 USD0.0192 USD25.022 K0.3003 USD−6.19%405.492 K4.429 M USD
BFRGBullfrog AI Holdings, Inc.
+6.11%3.18 USD0.18 USD7.375 K3.00 USD−6.83%569.752 K23.552 M USD
TVGNTevogen Bio Holdings Inc.
+5.88%0.7200 USD0.0400 USD12.956 K0.6800 USD−1.45%114.935 K114.802 M USD−26.23%
CLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
+5.87%0.3316 USD0.0184 USD10.12 K0.3132 USD−2.16%342.752 K1.05 M USD−98.26%
PZGParamount Gold Nevada Corp.
+5.75%0.4600 USD0.0250 USD4790.4350 USD+1.16%31.755 K27.709 M USD+74.01%
RCATRed Cat Holdings, Inc.
+5.38%2.40 USD0.12 USD15.483 K2.28 USD−3.39%1.81 M169.362 M USD+169.11%
AGMHAGM Group Holdings Inc.
+5.33%0.7973 USD0.0404 USD1000.7569 USD+26.36%155.562 K19.949 M USD−70.52%
CDMOAvid Bioservices, Inc.
+5.18%10.76 USD0.53 USD177.537 K10.23 USD−0.87%983.091 K650.434 M USD−28.26%
VVSEEVSee Health, Inc.
+5.13%2.97 USD0.15 USD4.913 K2.83 USD+5.81%44.211 K41.507 M USD+13.39%
PPSIPioneer Power Solutions, Inc.
+5.11%4.73 USD0.23 USD10.986 K4.50 USD+1.81%71.879 K44.685 M USD−37.14%
RETOReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc.
+5.07%1.45 USD0.07 USD1.7 K1.38 USD−4.17%146.808 K5.246 M USD−51.79%
KAKineta, Inc.
+5.06%0.6745 USD0.0325 USD3.226 K0.6420 USD−5.59%180.84 K7.867 M USD−60.66%
AMPXAmprius Technologies, Inc.
+5.04%1.25 USD0.06 USD10.316 K1.19 USD−0.83%351.946 K128.48 M USD−78.13%
RGFThe Real Good Food Company, Inc.
+5.00%0.4999 USD0.0238 USD1.397 K0.4761 USD+2.81%59.99 K16.163 M USD−84.40%
NANano Labs Ltd
+4.99%0.3917 USD0.0186 USD2110.3731 USD−0.61%38.146 K27.932 M USD
NVSTEnvista Holdings Corporation
+4.97%17.12 USD0.81 USD249.418 K16.31 USD+1.24%1.351 M2.803 B USD−51.12%
SLESuper League Enterprise, Inc.
+4.96%1.48 USD0.07 USD2851.41 USD−5.37%81.134 K10.088 M USD−41.11%
SATLSatellogic Inc.
+4.96%1.27 USD0.06 USD1.266 K1.21 USD+7.08%159.545 K109.616 M USD−39.91%
BOFBranchOut Food Inc.
+4.95%0.8700 USD0.0410 USD4.457 K0.8290 USD−6.85%336.276 K4.982 M USD
FTCIFTC Solar, Inc.
+4.92%0.4994 USD0.0234 USD5.557 K0.4760 USD+14.40%715.619 K59.966 M USD−87.04%
ICCTiCoreConnect Inc.
+4.89%0.7096 USD0.0331 USD6620.6765 USD−4.72%36.105 K6.939 M USD−76.42%
OORKTOrangekloud Technology Inc.
+4.88%5.80 USD0.27 USD3.901 K5.53 USD−2.98%311.056 K
MMATMeta Materials Inc.
+4.84%2.60 USD0.12 USD5912.48 USD+0.40%66.844 K16.605 M USD−83.56%
GNPXGenprex, Inc.
+4.84%1.95 USD0.09 USD1021.86 USD−3.63%15.372 K3.904 M USD−90.64%
+4.81%1.96 USD0.09 USD3.061 K1.87 USD+3.89%98.828 K10.667 M USD+75.41%
MOBXMobix Labs, Inc.
+4.80%1.31 USD0.06 USD3941.25 USD−3.10%43.492 K33.985 M USD+15.05%
KKITTNauticus Robotics, Inc.
+4.79%3.50 USD0.16 USD38.252 K3.34 USD+3.09%5.342 M11.839 M USD−87.74%
STRWStrawberry Fields REIT, Inc.
+4.79%12.26 USD0.56 USD3.608 K11.70 USD+2.72%29.478 K75.303 M USD+49.12%
VYNEVYNE Therapeutics Inc.
+4.78%2.19 USD0.10 USD7802.09 USD−0.48%13.237 K30.364 M USD+150.87%
FAMIFarmmi, Inc. Ordinary Shares
+4.78%0.6180 USD0.0282 USD2000.5898 USD−3.31%20.938 K3.711 M USD−83.84%
PIIIP3 Health Partners Inc.
+4.77%0.6500 USD0.0296 USD1.439 K0.6204 USD+1.70%128.858 K221.929 M USD−71.85%
PULMPulmatrix, Inc.
+4.76%2.20 USD0.10 USD1 K2.10 USD−0.47%8.888 K7.67 M USD−24.81%
CARACara Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.73%0.3900 USD0.0176 USD4.069 K0.3724 USD+2.00%513.613 K20.361 M USD−86.26%
CNTGCentogene N.V.
+4.71%0.3560 USD0.0160 USD2.5 K0.3400 USD−1.62%71.551 K9.86 M USD−49.97%
IPDNProfessional Diversity Network, Inc.
+4.70%0.5350 USD0.0240 USD2000.5110 USD−2.59%8.713 K5.967 M USD−82.02%
RCONRecon Technology, Ltd.
+4.61%1.59 USD0.07 USD1351.52 USD−0.01%2.564 K22.766 M USD−63.67%
OMEROmeros Corporation
+4.60%5.46 USD0.24 USD35.266 K5.22 USD−1.14%244.535 K302.469 M USD+2.33%
+4.58%1.37 USD0.06 USD10.85 K1.31 USD+1.55%24.814 K15.295 M USD−22.06%
CAPTCaptivision Inc.
+4.50%2.32 USD0.10 USD2.618 K2.22 USD−3.69%243.544 K64.449 M USD−79.70%
BTTRBetter Choice Company Inc.
+4.49%3.49 USD0.15 USD2.578 K3.34 USD+0.91%6.64 K3.061 M USD−56.56%
SHIMShimmick Corporation
+4.43%4.01 USD0.17 USD14.425 K3.84 USD+10.03%190.312 K118.622 M USD
BLCOBausch + Lomb Corporation
+4.36%16.50 USD0.69 USD19.347 K15.81 USD+1.80%416.87 K5.549 B USD−13.90%
NBYNovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+4.26%0.7300 USD0.0298 USD310.75 K0.7002 USD−63.91%4.273 M2.616 M USD−6.86%
AIRIAir Industries Group
+4.23%3.70 USD0.15 USD1.277 K3.55 USD−1.39%6.445 K11.803 M USD+5.83%
SOARVolato Group, Inc.
+4.21%0.5000 USD0.0202 USD42.979 K0.4798 USD−16.09%931.394 K14.163 M USD−95.44%
CCJETChijet Motor Company, Inc.
+4.16%3.76 USD0.15 USD10.735 K3.61 USD+0.28%93.276 K19.338 M USD−94.47%
MPLNMultiPlan Corporation
+4.14%0.5000 USD0.0199 USD32.822 K0.4801 USD+4.37%694.223 K315.967 M USD−77.75%
BFIBurgerFi International Inc
+4.14%0.4379 USD0.0174 USD1.729 M0.4205 USD+97.33%313.587 M5.84 M USD−85.99%
IVDAIveda Solutions, Inc.
+4.11%0.4789 USD0.0189 USD1000.4600 USD−9.02%33.546 K7.484 M USD−51.24%
AKTSAkoustis Technologies, Inc.
+4.08%0.1300 USD0.0051 USD135.194 K0.1249 USD+2.29%1.441 M13.635 M USD−91.87%
ETWOE2open Parent Holdings, Inc.
+4.06%4.87 USD0.19 USD98.973 K4.68 USD+1.52%1.909 M1.602 B USD−3.70%
CNFRConifer Holdings, Inc.
+4.01%0.9362 USD0.0361 USD1000.9001 USD+1.38%49811.002 M USD−48.07%
RRRichtech Robotics Inc.
+4.00%1.30 USD0.05 USD232.795 K1.25 USD+10.62%12.182 M82.803 M USD
UPWKUpwork Inc.
+3.96%11.80 USD0.45 USD313.415 K11.35 USD−0.61%1.442 M1.505 B USD+15.67%
GAMEGameSquare Holdings, Inc.
+3.96%1.05 USD0.04 USD6.048 K1.01 USD−3.81%243.195 K−16.66%
STEMStem, Inc.
+3.94%1.32 USD0.05 USD214.193 K1.27 USD−1.55%3.162 M205.297 M USD−79.49%
MLSSMilestone Scientific, Inc.
+3.85%1.08 USD0.04 USD4.167 K1.04 USD+4.00%95.197 K80.317 M USD+10.33%
MDXGMiMedx Group, Inc
+3.84%8.06 USD0.30 USD125.985 K7.76 USD+0.65%628.757 K1.145 B USD+26.01%
BWMXBetterware de Mexico, S.A.P.I. de C.V.
+3.81%15.25 USD0.56 USD93614.69 USD−5.41%36.177 K548.18 M USD+22.09%
JNVRJanover Inc.
+3.80%0.7298 USD0.0267 USD1.25 K0.7031 USD−0.30%13.034 K7.78 M USD
AADIAadi Bioscience, Inc.
+3.80%1.64 USD0.06 USD4.235 K1.58 USD−1.86%139.132 K38.796 M USD−72.37%
+3.79%1.58 USD0.06 USD2501.52 USD+0.15%2.991 K10.758 M USD−70.30%
SENSSenseonics Holdings, Inc.
+3.76%0.4500 USD0.0163 USD113.78 K0.4337 USD−5.61%2.44 M230.245 M USD−41.39%
MBIOMustang Bio, Inc.
+3.69%0.3739 USD0.0133 USD174.428 K0.3606 USD+3.18%1.293 M12.721 M USD−72.54%
ALPPAlpine 4 Holdings, Inc.
+3.67%0.5000 USD0.0177 USD3.096 K0.4823 USD−2.57%70.657 K13.049 M USD−65.71%
ARTLArtelo Biosciences, Inc.
+3.66%1.40 USD0.05 USD1001.35 USD−2.83%3.558 K4.359 M USD−19.43%
ARECAmerican Resources Corporation
+3.64%0.6460 USD0.0227 USD2.949 K0.6233 USD−1.38%184.752 K49.353 M USD−68.02%
MAIAMAIA Biotechnology, Inc.
+3.63%3.43 USD0.12 USD6.993 K3.31 USD−2.65%107.995 K72.281 M USD
MITKMitek Systems, Inc.
+3.57%13.62 USD0.47 USD99.4 K13.15 USD+3.06%641.506 K615.297 M USD+22.91%
MASS908 Devices Inc.
+3.45%5.99 USD0.20 USD16.155 K5.79 USD+4.32%141.792 K199.669 M USD−16.67%
PMNProMIS Neurosciences Inc.
+3.44%1.66 USD0.05 USD66.7 K1.60 USD−20.70%6.694 M30.338 M USD+35.21%
PRMEPrime Medicine, Inc.
+3.43%5.80 USD0.19 USD61.105 K5.61 USD−0.71%508.146 K673.373 M USD−51.18%
CINGCingulate Inc.
+3.40%0.3650 USD0.0120 USD5.217 K0.3530 USD−7.11%297.366 K3.692 M USD−46.83%
ICDIndependence Contract Drilling, Inc.
+3.38%1.47 USD0.05 USD1501.42 USD+4.56%32.105 K21.633 M USD−47.42%
RGLSRegulus Therapeutics Inc.
+3.37%1.84 USD0.06 USD51.25 K1.78 USD+1.14%1.509 M116.529 M USD+339.77%