US stocks at their all-time lows

These US stocks are at their all-time lowest prices: we sorted them alphabetically and supplied with companies' financials to help you decide which ones can actually go back up.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
AERTAeries Technology, Inc.
0.5391 USD+1.33%75.72 K0.6924.02 M USD1.160.47 USD+531.98%0.00%Technology services
AAGHAureus Greenway Holdings Inc.
3.15 USD−9.22%177.69 KConsumer services
AAGRIAgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd.
1.72 USD−2.27%48.22 K0.472.94 M USD−1.10 USD−157.29%0.00%Commercial services
AIMAIM ImmunoTech Inc.
0.1290 USD−6.93%2.16 M0.928.87 M USD−0.47 USD−10.16%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
APVOAptevo Therapeutics Inc.
3.34 USD−8.24%137.16 K5.574.87 M USD−941.56 USD+71.82%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AATCHAtlasClear Holdings, Inc.
2.74 USD−16.97%490.18 K3.771.06 M USD−625.50 USD−81,471.61%0.00%Technology services
BBBNXBeta Bionics, Inc.
21.81 USD+0.28%299.77 K0.75945.12 M USD0.00%Health technology
BBHILBenson Hill, Inc.
1.20 USD+5.26%220.75 K0.517.34 M USD−18.64 USD+23.84%0.00%Commercial services
BLACBellevue Life Sciences Acquisition Corp.
3.01 USD−57.30%429.74 K24.6012.16 M USD−0.11 USD−304.38%0.00%Finance
BOWNBowen Acquisition Corp
3.06 USD−13.80%48.42 K1.6128.05 M USD8.390.36 USD0.00%Finance
CETXCemtrex Inc.
2.15 USD0.00%73.79 K1.803.84 M USD−5,644.76 USD+67.02%0.00%Electronic technology
CHSNChanson International Holding
0.4879 USD+4.90%1.52 M0.9110.44 M USD−0.00 USD+81.62%0.00%Consumer non-durables
CCJMBCallan JMB Inc.
3.73 USD−18.91%135.36 KTransportation
CCLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
0.1016 USD−6.62%19.66 M0.3627.36 M USD0.00%Commercial services
CMTGClaros Mortgage Trust, Inc.
3.11 USD+5.07%1.77 M2.82433.42 M USD−0.62 USD−70.98%27.33%Finance
CCRKNCrown Electrokinetics Corp.
4.69 USD−6.57%153.65 K0.457.24 M USD−12,383.75 USD+98.18%0.00%Commercial services
CRMLCritical Metals Corp.
3.73 USD−18.74%846.53 K3.07333.42 M USD−1.97 USD−8,143.93%0.00%Non-energy minerals
CTNMContineum Therapeutics, Inc.
7.73 USD+0.52%48.8 K0.79199.26 M USD−1.12 USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
FBLGFibroBiologics, Inc.
1.23 USD−4.65%851.45 K1.1444.78 M USD−0.59 USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
FFLOCFlowco Holdings Inc.
26.30 USD+0.19%286.31 K0.972.38 B USD0.00%Industrial services
Strong buy
GGCTKGlucoTrack, Inc.
0.4899 USD−5.22%6.04 M0.975.1 M USD−57.85 USD−82.30%0.00%Health technology
GENKGEN Restaurant Group, Inc.
5.50 USD−2.31%38.07 K0.53180.4 M USD31.500.17 USD−31.98%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
GNLNGreenlane Holdings, Inc.
1.19 USD−1.65%40.62 K0.352.36 M USD−25.79 USD+95.95%0.00%Distribution services
GGWHESS Tech, Inc.
4.01 USD−26.96%330.85 K7.0847.65 M USD−6.74 USD−55.79%0.00%Producer manufacturing
HHUHUHUHUTECH International Group Inc.
3.41 USD−11.31%25.38 K3.9172.2 M USD0.00%Technology services
JJUNSJupiter Neurosciences, Inc.
0.8307 USD−1.99%264.4 K0.5527.5 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
LLBGJLi Bang International Corporation Inc.
2.03 USD+5.73%24.16 K0.8737.6 M USD−0.07 USD−322.22%0.00%Consumer durables
LESLLeslie's, Inc.
1.56 USD−1.89%6.52 M0.82288.95 M USD−0.15 USD−260.50%0.00%Retail trade
LGMKLogicMark, Inc.
0.5887 USD−12.80%927.02 K4.091.62 M USD−223.50 USD+11.14%0.00%Electronic technology
LRHCLa Rosa Holdings Corp.
0.2430 USD+11.26%2.48 M0.867.13 M USD−1.28 USD−454.88%0.00%Finance
MMAMixed Martial Arts Group Limited
0.8011 USD−1.10%83.61 K1.428.24 M USD0.00%Consumer services
NNPBNorthpointe Bancshares, Inc
14.50 USD2.71 MFinance
PGHLPrimega Group Holdings Limited
0.7454 USD−4.44%285.03 K0.7817.89 M USD0.00%Transportation
PINCPremier, Inc.
17.77 USD−1.50%730.8 K0.431.62 B USD−0.10 USD−107.12%4.73%Health services
PWMPrestige Wealth Inc.
0.9004 USD−18.15%2.59 M1.5524.35 M USD−0.09 USD0.00%Finance
PWUPPowerUp Acquisition Corp.
9.24 USD−14.84%7.29 K0.7671.75 M USD−0.43 USD−325.44%0.00%Finance
RRAINRain Enhancement Technologies Holdco, Inc.
2.96 USD−4.52%14.01 K0.3622.25 M USD−0.10 USD−137.85%0.00%Finance
RSLSReShape Lifesciences, Inc.
2.33 USD−8.27%124.18 K1.601.7 M USD−16.40 USD+99.28%0.00%Health technology
RTCBaijiayun Group Ltd - Class
0.5899 USD−7.54%7.75 M6.5615.11 M USD−3.47 USD−2,942.02%0.00%Technology services
SBCSBC Medical Group Holdings Incorporated
4.78 USD−6.27%60.83 K1.44492.44 M USD−0.13 USD−260.00%0.00%Commercial services
SYTASiyata Mobile, Inc.
3.68 USD−2.65%197.14 K0.983.45 M USD−329.26 USD+92.05%0.00%Electronic technology
TTDACTranslational Development Acquisition Corp.
10.00 USD−0.10%879.88 K219.07 M USD0.00%Finance
TNFATNF Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.5704 USD+0.48%1.91 M2.341.57 M USD−13.73 USD−147.04%0.00%Health technology
TRNRInteractive Strength Inc.
1.31 USD+3.15%245.08 K0.611.97 M USD−7,796.52 USD+55.31%0.00%Retail trade
UBXGU-BX Technology Ltd.
2.73 USD−3.37%9.42 K0.698.94 M USD−0.03 USD−479.17%0.00%Commercial services
VCIGVCI Global Limited
0.9347 USD+4.03%1.11 M0.7921.41 M USD0.00%Commercial services
VLCNVolcon, Inc.
1.10 USD−9.84%2.17 M0.333.73 M USD−5,303.96 USD+98.39%0.00%Consumer durables
XXHLDTEN Holdings, Inc.
2.10 USD−69.12%5.27 MCommercial services
Strong buy
XTKGX3 Holdings Co., Ltd.
0.5904 USD−5.99%132.33 K1.098.13 M USD−4.59 USD0.00%Technology services
YAASYouxin Technology Ltd
3.02 USD−0.89%181.63 K2.53101.42 M USD−0.04 USD+48.49%0.00%Technology services