Penny stocks — US stocks

US stocks with low prices in one list: available to a wider range of investors, they can potentially bring gains, but can be highly volatile too. We sorted them by price and supplied with important metrics to watch.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
BHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
0.0715 USD+32.41%100.49 M0.7317.7 M USD−0.82 USD−140.83%0.00%Consumer durables
LICNLichen China Limited
0.0717 USD−11.81%7.6 M0.498.59 M USD0.00%Commercial services
AADTXAditxt, Inc.
0.0835 USD−7.22%12.26 M0.756.59 M USD−981.65 USD+88.52%0.00%Health technology
CNSPCNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.0945 USD+0.85%2.97 M0.465.43 M USD−75.02 USD+82.41%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
OMGAOmega Therapeutics, Inc.
0.1030 USD−11.21%2.66 M0.505.7 M USD−1.33 USD+36.45%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
CYNCyngn Inc.
0.1099 USD+82.56%367.21 M3.573.01 M USD−26.24 USD+56.57%0.00%Technology services
WINTWindtree Therapeutics, Inc.
0.1156 USD−1.53%490.6 K0.121.28 M USD−18.63 USD+94.78%0.00%Health technology
AEONAEON Biopharma, Inc.
0.1205 USD−7.52%2.27 M0.599.64 M USD−0.24 USD−261.69%0.00%Health technology
ZOMZomedica Corp.
0.1217 USD+0.75%800.03 K0.24119.26 M USD−0.06 USD−317.76%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
NIVFNewGenIvf Group Limited
0.1217 USD−9.18%37.33 M2.121.24 M USD0.00%Health services
CCLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
0.1243 USD+2.26%6.06 M0.0833.46 M USD0.00%Commercial services
AEHLAntelope Enterprise Holdings Limited
0.1262 USD−2.70%303.06 K0.124.2 M USD−3.02 USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
TANHTantech Holdings Ltd.
0.1273 USD−5.98%1.35 M0.621.06 M USD0.111.16 USD−36.05%0.00%Process industries
AIMAIM ImmunoTech Inc.
0.1429 USD−2.92%314.84 K0.239.82 M USD−0.47 USD−10.16%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
OCEAOcean Biomedical, Inc.
0.1487 USD+11.92%335.94 M10.825.19 M USD−0.84 USD+78.12%0.00%Health technology
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
0.1488 USD−14.29%863.88 K0.241.17 M USD−6.69 USD+39.17%0.00%Commercial services
DDCDDC Enterprise Limited
0.1555 USD−2.20%13.01 K0.0612.25 M USD0.00%Technology services
HEPAHepion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.1660 USD−1.66%2.64 M0.061.76 M USD−4.39 USD+64.94%0.00%Health technology
0.1662 USD−13.66%1.95 M0.042.6 M USD−0.14 USD+49.07%0.00%Finance
EEFSH1847 Holdings LLC
0.1673 USD−0.00%110.55 K0.104.25 M USD−5,818.79 USD+87.44%0.00%Commercial services
APDNApplied DNA Sciences, Inc.
0.1685 USD−0.24%350.89 K0.309.3 M USD−6.89 USD+54.71%0.00%Health technology
SYRSSyros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.1704 USD−1.56%246.23 K0.264.57 M USD−3.03 USD+19.37%0.00%Health technology
UPCUniverse Pharmaceuticals Inc
0.1728 USD−6.09%3.53 M0.191.5 M USD0.00%Health technology
SOARVolato Group, Inc.
0.1790 USD−2.98%443.12 K0.258.25 M USD−4.85 USD−629.05%0.00%Transportation
WNWMeiwu Technology Company Limited
0.1832 USD−1.08%1.03 M0.2211.61 M USD−6.29 USD−5,486.59%0.00%Retail trade
APTOAptose Biosciences, Inc.
0.1838 USD+3.26%102.31 K0.2311.06 M USD−3.06 USD+60.79%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
LYRALyra Therapeutics, Inc.
0.1856 USD−0.75%188.89 K0.2912.15 M USD−1.53 USD−0.75%0.00%Health technology
TGLTreasure Global Inc.
0.1857 USD−4.62%15.53 M10.178.66 M USD−3.63 USD−523.78%0.00%Commercial services
TWGTop Wealth Group Holding Limited
0.1860 USD−3.73%270.15 K0.385.39 M USD0.00%Distribution services
SBEVSplash Beverage Group, Inc. (NV)
0.1880 USD−3.54%152.02 K0.0411.64 M USD−1.25 USD−158.23%0.00%Health services
Strong buy
EDBLEdible Garden AG Incorporated
0.1889 USD−1.82%1.11 M0.125.74 M USD−30.38 USD+86.86%0.00%Process industries
Strong buy
PIIIP3 Health Partners Inc.
0.1975 USD+0.77%334.46 K0.4370.87 M USD−0.84 USD+68.83%0.00%Commercial services
CPHIChina Pharma Holdings, Inc.
0.1992 USD−4.69%48.39 K0.063.84 M USD−0.34 USD+81.80%0.00%Health technology
FOXOFOXO Technologies Inc.
0.2030 USD−7.75%499.74 K0.214.78 M USD−1.26 USD+91.91%0.00%Technology services
MULNMullen Automotive, Inc.
0.2136 USD−1.11%2.5 M0.1213.2 M USD−4,302.46 USD+99.50%0.00%Technology services
TTOOT2 Biosystems, Inc.
0.2145 USD+2.14%243.46 K0.216.02 M USD−6.41 USD+97.74%0.00%Health technology
SCPXScorpius Holdings, Inc.
0.2150 USD−3.59%101.38 K0.151.25 M USD−101.01 USD+74.79%0.00%Health technology
JOBGEE Group Inc.
0.2241 USD−3.49%85.27 K0.2724.52 M USD−0.22 USD−370.33%0.00%Commercial services
TIVCTivic Health Systems, Inc.
0.2359 USD−1.30%104.68 K0.332.23 M USD−3.09 USD+92.73%0.00%Health technology
CNEYCN Energy Group Inc.
0.2382 USD+0.08%105.24 K0.071.65 M USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
AIEVThunder Power Holdings, Inc.
0.2400 USD+1.69%24.2 K0.1212.17 M USD−0.04 USD−137.34%0.00%Consumer durables
FTFTFuture FinTech Group Inc.
0.2435 USD−1.02%178.87 K0.645.05 M USD−2.09 USD+8.41%0.00%Finance
TAOPTaoping Inc.
0.2478 USD−7.30%1.59 M1.443.32 M USD0.480.51 USD0.00%Technology services
LLGCBLinkage Global Inc
0.2500 USD+3.39%5.1 K0.045.38 M USD−0.00 USD+50.00%0.00%Technology services
LYTLytus Technologies Holdings PTV. Ltd.
0.2539 USD−9.13%562.39 K0.365.8 M USD0.00%Technology services
PRPHProPhase Labs, Inc.
0.2543 USD−2.42%185.73 K0.097.6 M USD−1.50 USD−141.83%0.00%Health technology
FAMIFarmmi, Inc. Ordinary Shares
0.2548 USD−2.71%37.18 K0.123.7 M USD−0.71 USD−453.53%0.00%Process industries
PEVPhoenix Motor Inc.
0.2550 USD+5.81%198.25 K0.469.6 M USD0.00%Consumer durables
NCLNorthann Corp.
0.2581 USD+2.02%6.12 K0.0514.32 M USD−0.19 USD−49.61%0.00%Technology services
PTPIPetros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.2600 USD+0.93%46.83 K0.142.94 M USD0.00%Health technology
PTIXProtagenic Therapeutics, Inc.
0.2619 USD−4.07%55.85 K0.051.9 M USD−1.27 USD−40.51%0.00%Health technology
GLYCGlycoMimetics, Inc.
0.2626 USD−0.94%63.33 K0.2016.93 M USD−0.62 USD+3.16%0.00%Health technology
OGENOragenics Inc.
0.2642 USD+2.17%763.89 K0.033.32 M USD−5.73 USD−22.54%0.00%Health technology
LRHCLa Rosa Holdings Corp.
0.2652 USD−0.11%233.49 K0.117.78 M USD−1.28 USD−454.88%0.00%Finance
INABIN8bio, Inc.
0.2661 USD+2.35%55.67 K0.1219.29 M USD−0.75 USD+32.96%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
WTOUTime Limited
0.2680 USD−1.51%74.95 K0.166.9 M USD−1.47 USD−50.71%0.00%Electronic technology
VRPXVirpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.2742 USD−1.22%36.15 K0.075.03 M USD−8.82 USD+24.11%0.00%Health technology
NXUNxu, Inc.
0.2748 USD−11.40%1.66 M0.066.71 M USD−2.74 USD+99.41%0.00%Producer manufacturing
MWGMulti Ways Holdings Limited
0.2753 USD+0.11%2.06 K0.078.49 M USD0.00%Distribution services
ALLKAllakos Inc.
0.2764 USD+1.45%576.03 K0.0624.69 M USD−2.03 USD−5.32%0.00%Health technology
MNDRMobile-health Network Solutions
0.2793 USD+2.16%20.28 K0.066.26 M USD−0.35 USD0.00%Health services
ICONIcon Energy Corp.
0.2805 USD−12.67%4.01 M1.29Transportation
Strong buy
GTIGraphjet Technology
0.2900 USD−1.69%455.84 K0.3142.55 M USD0.00%Finance
AALCEAlternus Clean Energy, Inc.
0.2920 USD+0.86%45.6 K0.131.31 M USD0.00%Utilities
RLMDRelmada Therapeutics, Inc.
0.2971 USD−3.88%546.73 K0.178.96 M USD−2.87 USD+22.59%0.00%Health technology
GRYPGryphon Digital Mining, Inc
0.2986 USD+2.23%234.9 K0.1820.6 M USD0.00%Technology services
ERNAEterna Therapeutics Inc.
0.3000 USD−10.66%243.43 K0.4015.41 M USD−8.31 USD−109.65%0.00%Health technology
WAITop KingWin Ltd
0.3015 USD−3.37%1.37 K0.0355.16 M USD0.00%Commercial services
IGCIGC Pharma, Inc.
0.3051 USD−1.90%189.06 K0.4323.63 M USD−0.19 USD+7.85%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
CTCXCarmell Corporation
0.3059 USD−1.58%49.5 K0.229.21 M USD0.00%Consumer non-durables
BURUNuburu, Inc.
0.3075 USD+17.37%1.67 M0.316.23 M USD−20.04 USD+2.25%0.00%Electronic technology
SRMSRM Entertainment, Inc.
0.3103 USD−1.71%77.14 K0.404.95 M USD−0.41 USD−161.85%0.00%Consumer durables
CGBSCrown LNG Holdings Limited
0.3130 USD+0.33%526.22 K0.21144.04 M USD0.00%Miscellaneous
CLRBCellectar Biosciences, Inc.
0.3158 USD+5.29%1.21 M0.8214.55 M USD−1.87 USD+46.26%0.00%Health technology
ITPIT Tech Packaging, Inc.
0.3199 USD−5.10%36.29 K0.183.22 M USD−0.97 USD+45.26%0.00%Process industries
BSLKBolt Projects Holdings, Inc.
0.3201 USD−1.51%134.33 K0.0710.35 M USD−0.02 USD−153.18%0.00%Finance
STSSSharps Technology Inc.
0.3256 USD−1.66%629.76 K0.093.61 M USD−9.04 USD+39.76%0.00%Health technology
CYCCCyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.3266 USD+3.35%172.04 K0.403.68 M USD−11.21 USD+62.27%0.00%Health technology
TRXTRX Gold Corporation
0.3298 USD+2.73%85.78 K0.2092.96 M USD64.200.01 USD0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
AZTRAzitra Inc
0.3300 USD−3.45%802.13 K0.032.52 M USD−13.36 USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
MHUAMeihua International Medical Technologies Co., Ltd.
0.3311 USD+0.73%94.43 K0.478.64 M USD0.960.34 USD+22.06%0.00%Health technology
KKLTOKlotho Neurosciences, Inc.
0.3400 USD−4.57%60.82 K0.979.21 M USD−0.21 USD−252.65%0.00%Commercial services
EVTVEnvirotech Vehicles, Inc.
0.3420 USD−0.87%93.78 K0.016.8 M USD−0.63 USD+80.29%0.00%Producer manufacturing
VEROVenus Concept Inc.
0.3431 USD−3.35%5.08 K0.022.49 M USD−8.02 USD−15.21%0.00%Health technology
GOROGold Resource Corporation
0.3450 USD−1.51%1.16 M0.6832.93 M USD−0.50 USD−170.75%0.00%Non-energy minerals
HWHHWH International Inc.
0.3450 USD−6.76%153.84 K0.0011.17 M USD−0.20 USD−408.28%0.00%Retail trade
OMHOhmyhome Limited
0.3460 USD+1.38%27.17 K0.508.16 M USD0.00%Finance
Strong buy
RYDERyde Group Ltd.
0.3463 USD−0.77%41.3 K0.309.1 M USD−0.95 USD−298.49%0.00%Technology services
SCLXScilex Holding Company
0.3464 USD−6.05%448.74 K0.3184.28 M USD−0.80 USD+8.27%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IPDNProfessional Diversity Network, Inc.
0.3470 USD+1.73%15.51 K0.336.33 M USD−0.19 USD+58.75%0.00%Commercial services
FEAM5E Advanced Materials, Inc.
0.3549 USD+3.79%31.43 K0.1524.5 M USD−1.13 USD−11.94%0.00%Process industries
QRTEALiberty Interactive Corporation - Series A QVC Group Common Stock
0.3572 USD−0.81%302.29 K0.23157.38 M USD−0.71 USD−463.40%0.00%Consumer services
ONVOOrganovo Holdings, Inc.
0.3589 USD+2.60%12.25 K0.135.51 M USD−1.07 USD+50.37%0.00%Health technology
PETWag! Group Co.
0.3601 USD+6.54%358.55 K0.3017.93 M USD−0.38 USD−103.10%0.00%Commercial services
APCXAppTech Payments Corp.
0.3650 USD+7.57%160.48 K0.9510.09 M USD−0.48 USD+57.94%0.00%Finance
CVMCel-Sci Corporation
0.3687 USD−2.69%54.55 K0.1027.32 M USD−0.50 USD+31.21%0.00%Health technology
XELBXcel Brands, Inc
0.3700 USD−4.57%4.53 K0.188.78 M USD−1.04 USD−0.80%0.00%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
BLMZBloomZ Inc.
0.3760 USD+3.58%31.97 K0.175.05 M USD0.00%Commercial services
VTAKCatheter Precision, Inc.
0.3767 USD−2.65%44.27 K0.483.02 M USD−12.13 USD+95.82%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
SXTCChina SXT Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.3785 USD−1.61%54.45 K0.161.32 M USD0.00%Health technology